wojtek ulrich-chickenpox-and-perforated-tape

Mainstream scientists from major institutions initially showed little enthusiasm about the discovery of crop circles in English fields, treating them as a peculiar phenomenon of nature.

Only scientific activities undertaken by independent researchers revealed a number of anomalies occurring in circles that completely contradict „conservative theories.” The media treated this phenomenon as a very good material in “the silly season.” In the nineties of the twentieth century, an amazing inundation of intricate and sophisticated pictograms and advanced fractals started. The first professional researchers (cereologists) began finding peculiar things in the crop: the ears of the plants were perfectly combed inwards in some circles, in different directions along the same length, others formed unusual braids. The ears were not broken, which is very important, only gently placed on the ground. There was no damage to the ground, but the precision and accuracy of the seed placement was amazing.The contention that only the most complex agroglyphs are the work of unknown phenomena has lost its relevance. Following a meticulous investigation by cereologists, it is believed that 80% of the particularly complex circles are manmade, and only 20%, especially of the simplest formations, indicate the features of a phenomenon unknown to science that breaks the elementary scientific axioms. Researchers also believe that some finely made fractals of the 1990s could not have been made by humans because of their perfection and precision. The symbolism of the circles refers to our cultures, reflects harmony with nature and demonstrates mathematical (fractal) precision. According to some observers of this phenomenon, it is a warning and a message that may be coming from outer space. The symbolism of ancient cultures is strongly emphasized, especially in the vicinity of mystical places, referring to harmony with nature.

The precision of the pictogram execution is very important in the assessment and speaks for its authenticity. I try to draw attention to it in the video footage. The crop in the circles is arranged clockwise or counterclockwise, sometimes a double arrangement can be seen: on the surface, the ears are arranged to the left, and underneath in the opposite direction. In addition, the braid pattern was also observed. Laboratory tests carried out by scientists have indicated a number of anomalies in the molecular structure of the plants and the soil itself taken from the circles. Many people view the circles as places of power, and they are more easily able to attain the altered state of consciousness by entering into meditation. Mood swings can take both positive and negative forms, ultrasounds found in the circles, which may affect the activity of the brain and consciousness. Therefore, finding anomalies in the circles by dowsers is not accidental. The shape of the agroglyph itself can generate inexplicable phenomena. Laboratory tests made it possible to see anomalies in the vegetation of the seeds collected from the agrosymbols. The seeds were often stunted, and the germination did not proceed normally. The seeds were (are) more resistant to external factors, and the fact that the plants growing from them developed faster and more abundantly has not yet found a rational explanation. The animals also behaved strangely where the circles appeared. However, no one connects these accounts with one another. The world of science hardly pays attention to the agrosymbols.

Everything points to the fact that the crop circles phenomenon is very old. The findings reveal that the mysterious signs in the fields are not a modern invention. They would appear in the fields of England for centuries. Traditionally, the visual effect still plays a leading role because this is where the debate begins: What is this phenomenon, and what role does it play in our lives? What roles do the circlemakers play? Will the agrosymbol be considered genuine or not? According to some, it does not matter which agrosymbol is true and which is false, if it awakens old, forgotten powers.for some mostly decisive ones today. Business activities and innocent jokes did not exclude the notion of an artist “coming thro the rye”, crop GRAFFITI ARTIST. The disinformation spread by circlemakers strengthens the faith in authentic pictograms: this is their role, this is how they declare it. A role that pushes the boundaries of human capabilities. There are circlemakers who remain hidden because secrecy bestows an essential quality and meaning upon artistic activity. Many circlemakers claim that one of the basic roles is to strengthen people’s faith in authentic pictograms, and the disinformation spread by them perpetuates faith, John Lundberg *. Will Russel ** sees the role of the circlemakers as people pushing the boundaries of human capabilities. Pictograms, treated as the work of an artist, begin to overwhelm the artist at some point. The recipients see in them encoded messages from aliens for many others looking for esoteric experiences and reflections on their place in the universe. The crop circles are not only used to evoke aesthetic, visual and artistic impressions but are also a tool for inducing acts of mystical and spiritual experiences. Does this process only take place when the agrosymbols are considered works created without human intervention? As circlemakers say: it does not matter whether they are circles created by them or if they are the real ones, the level of impact is the same.

The next agroglyph that I took the seeds from and did documentation on appeared on June 24 at Yarnbury Castle near Stonehenge.

The pictogram from Winterbourne Bassett, which appeared near Avebury Wiltshire on July 14, 2018, will definitely go down in the history of the most interesting designs.

Through the circles, our awareness connects to these powers. We open our minds to the impossible. Geometry leads us to a higher state. The influence of crop circles on humans seems indisputable. The most important thing: The circlemakers’ account. Is it possible to talk about the relationship between the existing consciousness and the crop circle phenomena, or maybe it is people who generate these phenomena themselves unconsciously? The story of „counterfeiters” about the presence of unexplained phenomena in the fields attests to the fact that the atmospheric phenomena above the circlemakers’ are not easy to interpret. Many of them had the overwhelming feeling that the phenomenon was occurring when they thought about it. Unusual features and special phenomena make us more and more convinced of the argument that we may be dealing here with a phenomenon coming from another dimension a reflection on the eternal division of the world into material and nonmaterial zones.

On July 14, an agroglyph appeared near Kingweston (Somerset County), Muncombe Hill, which was the quintessence of the symbolism of the number 12. The central circle was divided into 12 sections and had 12 protruding arms. It was the formation that I devoted most of my time to because of its complexity.

The diffusion of a sacred geometry in the symbolism of agrosymbols, which for ancient civilizations was a mirror of the universe, is no coincident. The circles express the universal essence of life, a symbol of the absolute and infinity. There is a similarity between some pictograms and Neolithic petroglyphs. The circles began to delight people with unusual features and finally to delight with craftsmanship and precision worthy of a very good artist. Agrosymbols are an art form. The circlemaker contributes to the mystery of the crop circles, but the artist’s role ends with the execution of a sign in the crop. Circlemakers run their own website and a TV channel on YouTube and show how to professionally make a crop circle. For many, the theme of the joke was decisive. Material and artistic intentions are additional categories.

John Lundberg said that for humans to compare crop circles to ART is to strip them of their mystery. And here comes the most important moment…. Although the creation of agroglyphs is certainly an act of creative art, in order for them to become effective works, they cannot be treated as art. This does not diminish the importance of the existence of a genuinely unknown phenomenon which is responsible for part of the agrosymbols, the lesser one. Some Counterfeiters do not question the existence of a natural phenomenon. The real Crop Circle phenomenon is an event beyond our Matrix and the most beautiful thing is that it is there. We can watch it, but we cannot – we are no able to – define it or comprehend it; it is beyond our capabilities, beyond our control. We have no influence over it, we are not able to control or manipulate it. It eludes art, critics and science. It arouses impatience and suspicion among authorities responsible for security. Verdicts are helpless, our perception is still not grasping this phenomenon. Raising awareness in any form is pointless. Everything seems to be on the „other side.” Time, first of all. Conservative science is unable to cope with the analysis of low probability phenomena and, therefore, places them in mystical and paranormal fictitiousness. What we perceive in our reality is only a narrow section of the overall picture.

* John Lundberg: artist and one of the most important animators of the circlemaker movement.

** Will Russel: one of the most important characters in the circlemaker movement in England.

Seeds harvested from crop circles and documentation thereof come from three pictograms that appeared in the summer of 2018 in Wiltshire, Somerset and near Stonehenge in England. The pictogram from Winterbourne Bassett, which appeared near Avebury Wiltshire on July 14, 2018, will definitely go down in the history of the most interesting designs. It was not a perfect circle, but a triquetra – a triangular design based on circles and curves. Making such a pattern on a large scale is an extraordinary feat.

The next agroglyph that I took the seeds from and did documentation on appeared on June 24 at Yarnbury Castle near Stonehenge. On July 14, an agroglyph appeared near Kingweston (Somerset County) Muncombe Hill, which was the quintessence of the symbolism of the number 12. The central circle was divided into 12 sections and had 12 protruding arms. It was the formation that I devoted most of my time to because of its complexity. While harvesting, I tried to select seeds from the ears where I could see stem nodes bent but not broken. The anomaly in the form of grain deformation, visible in samples from the agroformation center, is not found in the ears of grain mechanically laid by circlemakers or in samples taken at a distance from the formation. It is not a guarantee, and I cannot say with 100% cer-tainty that the circles I selected were natural, i.e. not created by humans. Today’s quantum mechanics says that the result of each measurement alone is a random variable with a specific probability distribution. Before the measure-ment, the system exists in a suspended state within the combination of all possible solutions. Only a completed observation finalizes the state of the system.


The first part of the project is a video report on the collection of grains from the three aforementioned circles and, as far as possible, a critical view at the possibility that the place for the creation and formation of the circle may have been prepared in advance by circlemakers. The next step is the planting of seeds harvested from crop circles in the Ingenio Valley, located between the Nazca Plains and the Palpa Mountains in Peru, in a geoglyph formation known as smallpox or perforated tape – a very characteristic strip of pits and holes stretching across the desert in mountain-ous terrain with the intention to observe whether the seeds sown from the crop circles are sprouting. It is one of the driest places in the world. Smallpox, or the perforated tape, is a formation classified as geoglyphs that cover a vast area of desert. Due to their size, they are best visible from the bird’s eye view. Until today, we have been unable to determine the role or purpose of this geoglyph. Its dating is still subject to research. The aim is also to plant in part of the “Pox” formation seeds that do not came from crop circles but are artificially modified thus having no right to germinate.


Simultaneously, the main part of the project is carried out in the Southwest, in the states of Arizona and New Mexico, related to the religious ceremonies of the Pueblo and Navajo Indians to invoke rain. Planting of grains from England’s crop circles in the dry and hot desert areas of Arizona and New Mexico where planting is of a special nature and is combined with harvest ceremonies.  Indians from these areas are known for their shamanic practices and rainmaking rituals, which have been cultivated for generations.


The final part of the project involves planting the seeds harvested from the crop circles in arid terrains of Victoria, Australia, and bringing rain on demand using the scientific method called weather modification, which involves the dispersal of chemicals in the clouds to accelerate the hydration. The method is used by a local company specializing in artificial cloud seeding, commercial activity is one of the important elements of helping to regulate better crop yield in the area.