Orchestra performing Poly-morphia by Krzysztof Pen-derecki, with a parallel video projection or a holographic video projection, The Dog, 2011 – 17; Loop duration: total ca. 55 min.

The first performance was supposed to take place at the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw in 2017 as part of the New Deal presentation at BWA Wrocław. Polymorphia performed by the orchestra is not a music illustration for the video projection, just as the video does not illustrate music. Polymorphia is a tool, on a par with projection, which together are supposed to accelerate the process of change, a change in our “nervous system”. Polymorphism, a different phase of matter and energy, transition from form to energy, selection of the right algorithm for the appropriate data. The need for variant interpretation of values in certain variables. Changes, primarily those that morph from implicit and unclear to explicit.

„Polymorphic code” that recognizes an object not based on a declaration but by examining the methods provided by said object. Not aesthetics, but experience.

Art has ceased to be a tool to influence the direct steering effect on the reality. Something has been lost, canceled and censored. We entered the dis-persion. Polymorphy is to speed up the process we go through in order to move on to another one as quickly as possible. To end the dispersion of the system, identity, relativization. The moment which is supposed to restore greater agency through polymorphy. Not to repeat the same process in a more and more faltering and polarizing society. Difference equals hatred, especially in the field of religion, which causes disintegration, and this is not the first experience of its kind in our history. A synchronized orchestra is a transition of an incessantly formatted audience dependent exclusively on emotions, on a scattered chaotic space of social vacuum to things that do not meet our sick expectations, which, therefore, become real.

Intercepting the process of change of the type: „mass becomes universal” loved by all „lost” individuals.

Change, through the loss of control by the Masses who want control. In the name of „universal truth”, the accusatory mob wants to censor everything that its complexes disagree with; through the accumulation of disasters, it wants to harness the last free spirit just before its collapse. It is difficult to cultivate exaggeration and wait until, completely incomprehensible, it will lead us through the transformation of opening to new dimensions. Surviving with a victim status cannot be the only goal.


We desperately want everything to stay as is right now, we want to believe that nothing will change, knowing well that the desired stability is a fiction. The Dog-Pig image makes people confused, weaker, dependent, makes them victims; the weak deprive the strong of their strength and it this is not a coincidence. (FN) Reflections on EMPATHY and its sacrifices make us smaller than we are. It is a false empathy that gives strength through resentment and the foundation on which we build persistently our lives, drowning out the hidden fear of impermanence. We want to invalidate what does not meet our aesthetic criteria any more. Good sense and reflection come with a disease, an epidemic or another disaster.

Polymorphy, a life of short-lived forms, the sum of continuous changes, movement, and processes constitutes the basis of all phenomena (positive, negative). Our thoughts and emotions are the biggest unknown; our mind is as impermanent and changeable, like a dream or the future; even what we are thinking about now is just fading away like religion.

The projection of the next chapter is a mirror that reflects the entire meaning of our existence. Right now we are at the moment of a transition in the intermediate space; we need to speed up lest it become a never ending process that brings more suffering and strengthens our status of a victim.


Polymorphia for 48 stringed instruments Threnody to the Victims of HIROSHIMA Canticum Canticorum Salomonis

De NATURA SONORIS NOS 182 UTRENJA 1. The ENTOMBMENT OF CHRIST 1970 Penderecki: Cello Concerto No. 1 (1972)

An intermediate situation in which man has not yet entered a new form; polymorphy is to accelerate the „in-be-tween” state, to speed up the transition. We are constructed in such a way that we have to wait for unpleasant circum-stances that will force us not only to reflect, but above all, force the will to change.


An empty ritual? The sacrifice made in the name of an idea still gives relative satisfaction; an idea that has failed from the very beginning. We are late… We are always late “on time”; this is how we protect ourselves from reality, we postpone the verdict wanting to forestall it.

Regardless of calculation, awareness and precision, aesthetics rarely convey what it says. The masses easily over-come art, just like other things, with judgment. For the masses, aesthetics is the meaning of the existence of what is visible. No memory of the nature of things. It is possible to shake off the difficulty of being dependent on judgments and assessments, but in the common consciousness it is a failure.


Religion shows its true face minutes before death. Death cannot be an endless agony. Memory exposed to the blows of our love, chance and chaos must have structure, must be organized, and we are completely lost in such order. We are searching in myths, legends or in the identity of „cases” that are to explain our mistakes, justify them and justify our claims.

Eisner, “We have the history of impossible solutions to insoluble problems.” The Dog doesn’t mean much until we add information; without information it is just aesthetics. Most of-ten, we receive different information from the same account; information we do not need or information that draws our attention to completely irrelevant things.

The Pig is unable to be a full-time perpetual prophet; the world will find a new „GURU”. Meanwhile, we grow into a reflection on our own „pig.” The Pig discreetly leads people to experience, not to conversion, which is like walking on thin ice, giving meaning to life, boring life, life of the mass-es in which the only extreme is consumption.

God-doG is supposed to “reprogram” our DNA or rath-er what was taken from it. The PIG defends its credibility at the expense of its congregation. The PIG is fed up with babysitting its congregation, indefinitely claiming the benefit of the doubt. The benefit ran out a long time ago but the pig keeps claiming it.

Quote from an interview with Lars von Trier

But the world is a dark and strange place. Things are happening that we don’t know. We cannot explain the causes of many phenomena. Evil is simply within us, we are born with it. An excuse is enough to activate the evil. It is not always possible to find extenuating circumstances for a crime.

Just as the good does not require justification or con-text, so the evil can exist without any apparent cause. It just exists. It makes up the color of the world. If I hadn’t shown it emphatically, would it have made any impression on anyone?

– I don’t know, but there are movies in which the cruelty is only emphasized, and therefore very meaningful. I hold a different opinion. Does anyone care about animals killed so that people have something to eat? And when a video on how to skin a pig appears on the Internet, protests, complaints and petitions are immediately launched. But I have no illusions – people cry for themselves, not for the pig.

Cruelty is an integral part of my film, just as it is inscribed in the life of each of us – we prefer not to remember it on a daily basis. Supplant it. In the movies we happen to look away from the screen too late. Then, after the screening, anger arises, because we realize that what we have gotten away with in our lives, has returned in the movies. It got us. We did not close our eyes soon enough, we watched until the end. Often with fascination. And when it is over, we are terrified.

– Does it happen to you, too? I am already old, but I know one thing: I prefer my fear to ignorance or indifference. Although, of course, I may be in the minority. Lars von Trier, “Some people left the screening of my movie. It actually restores my faith in people”.

Interview of January 18, 2019 by Anna Serdiukow, weekend.gazeta.pl


The Dog-Polymorphy is not a compilation of fragments one can freely choose from because it examines an agonal defense against the inevitable. The Dog is something allowing one to get to the truth, not a ready-made project that would deprive one of the search.

The Dog is a tool of cognition. It’s an experiment. Do we give the floor to ourselves? To sharks or to pigs? Do we give the floor to the image? Maybe proficiency, not prestige or aesthetics? Polymorphia by Penderecki played by an orchestra along with the projection accelerates the fermentation process and is supposed to run „deeper” at every level in „every dimension.” So that the annihilation windup would be irretrievable.