


The end of the last man’s story

The “Reborn” doll is a robot through which we can test myths. It serves as a „perfect” prosthesis of reality, it is a transhumanist experiment in the times of post-truth. The doll is adapted to the current transhumanist narrative, an attempt at building a new mythology.


Fictions, that are realism, are hard to ignore. An alternative to the aesthetics of our lives saturated with fear in an endless show with the obsessive use of technology. Noticing another way of existence, not necessarily better in our understanding, but giving hope. Transhumanism, or maybe post-transhumanism, or maybe something we don’t know about? There is no other alternative, the world does not depend on us and yet we try to deny it. We use religion and mythology to justify our own ideas. We always want to be on the „right side” having no arguments.

Changing the past will not change the future. Many worlds are our backbone. We live selected or perhaps all variants of our own reality at once. Christian morality turned out to be false; we act to harm ourselves and cause problems for the world. What is the significance of the masses if they turn into an obstacle? The rebellion of the masses continues, destroying what is progressive, devouring its own tail (Ortega y Gasset). The idea that art can satisfy itself without the help of the masses and institutions suddenly begins to threaten the social order. The appearance of the Reborn is intended to rebuild the notion of „culture”. We are stuck where, without the Reborn (the Xenobot), progress has become questionable or limited. After all, we require inexhaustible creativity and slow and consistent development has fallen victim to it. Our evolution does not keep up with the „Reborn”, and neither do our myths and legends. We are still a limited liability company, but we have more and more technical possibilities. The post-real Robot is tested to find out if we are victims of fraud. It is difficult to unequivocally decide what we are starting to demand in a radical way for the first time in our history. Giving meaning has never been an objective process, and neither will it be for the Reborn, but he will definitely deal better with it than we do. Will the „tested” object bring us closer to the truth? There is no other option but to „check”. The Reborn is a chance for a new order. The use of fear of change does not have to be the motivation in this „game”. The most interesting place is the one with questionable condition, the rapidity of events, absurdity, failure of authorities, and the whim of history. Culture as a “hybrid” product, as an element of conquest, as something that does not fit our aesthetics and is forbidden, such culture becomes interesting.

The post-real Robot is tested to find out if we are victims of fraud. It is difficult to un-equivocally decide what we are starting to demand in a radical way for the first time in our history.

The Reborn’s „journey” is not his attempt to adjust to what we know from history and myths; it is the Reborn who makes everything and everyone adjust to him, ruthlessly opening a new space. Free will is a myth; the Reborn is not free will, has no such defect which is our promise and delusion. Interpreting this as free will is just a free interpretation of what is hidden, falsified as free will. Without the Reborn’s help, we won’t be able to answer the „spiritual” (or fundamental) questions about ourselves. Now the Reborn is separated from real life, is hovering next to physicality, but is close to the biological one… so far he is a nobody without history. He fulfills the dream that everyone dreams of today: to be „a nobody” and to have everything like a „Buddhist monk”…. the greatest desire of the masses. The Reborn is „a connection to the database” and a verdict without emotion. The dynamics of decadence. Reversing the relationship between man and technology so that man becomes its tool, recombination and “new” interpretation of all possible social forms and value systems. The technology of history that changes the way of life and forms of mentality, disseminating new inventions. A “supernatural” being that breeds humanity, making sure that it does not grow beyond the familiar horizon of history, “the destructive horizon”.

X-ray video projection accompanying the TERRARIUM, i.e. direct broadcast or projection using an X-ray camera, e.g. on the opposite side of the COBRA video projection.

Proposal of the object accompanying the video projection ROBOT and snakes‚ “terrarium”  Exhibit from the video: Doll Reborn, half robot with a movable arm. TWO non-venomous snakes with implanted chips. 2. Version without snakes, only with the ROBOT.

A new phase of development that we absolutely must go through and accept if calculations and research show that an inevitable collapse is awaiting us. Soon, we will become an “inferior” race in the Reborn; we will seek a pattern that we should strive for… It will be a pattern that we will have nothing to complain about, and it will be reliable.We will maintain control over history, manipulat-ing it with the help of the “Xe-Rebot” and, with his consent, constantly changing the field and rules of the “social” game. A prosperous, comfortable life produces weak people that need to be taken care of. Consciousness cannot prevent the dynamics of decadence; ours can-not, but the Xe-Rebot’s can. Democracy is a relic; the next stage is Technocracy which smoothly transforms into Theocracy. The Xe-rebot is a new hero and hope,actually already a superhero, the Übermensch, whose level of intel-ligence can be combined with any goal. The Xe-rebot is a “tested” hero in a world of history full of obscure dangerous events, incidents that we still can’t sort out. His “incidents” undergo a profound eugenic transformation; a new power as in the mythical Hero’s Journey.

The Reborn is the right ground to sow a better seed from Crop Circles, not only in an attempt to understand L. Bloom in Ulysses, but so that when feeding the birds one can think about matters most important to our being.

Managing culture and eugenics profiling the content of the lives of subordinates to manage our history through technologies and val-ues preferred by it. Disagreement with “human reality” is decisive for success; ac-cordance with the feelings of the audience will suffice. The Re-born’s task is to raise awarness that the inner sense of what is good, bad, right, wrong, beautiful and ugly will become irrelevant; surely more just, desirable and balanced; never mind that it will be a product of technological changes. Fear for life strengthens the values related to safety at the expense of freedom. Consciousness is technology and in-formation about it. The Xenobot that is too human arouses anxiety. The degree of similarity causes a decrease in psy-chological comfort, arousing disgust. It is difficult to read the intentions. Our brain does not know if it can trust this “thing”, still uncertain movements are instinctively associated with illness and that causes fear. These problems are temporary and short-lived, and our rapid advances in technology will eliminate them. We still don’t know if cobras and mongooses are advanced Xenobots. The Reborn Xenobot knows. The “genetic code” of Xenobots is and will remain aes-thetic, no matter what it represents; whether it is a reflec-tion of evil, crime, the good or endless torment, or a twisted psyche, obliterating “undesirable doubts” with the same aesthetic DNA. *** Xereborn, Xerobot, Xenobot are three terms for the same phenomenon under the name Reborn.