A One Cent Exhibit

wojtek ulrich-a one cent exhibit

What is difficult to find in the direct proximity, which is very close but we don’t pay attention to it, will be easier to find in a picture from a satellite travelling along Earth’s orbit.

A one cent coin is lying on the floor in a gallery room with a big window or a skylight, through which the satellite is able to find the coin. The room is half dark, it is hard to see it. A big screen is on the wall, on which a message from the satellite is being streamed: the image on which we see the one cent coin in the room. Usually a satellite transmits images once or twice a day. Depending on the conditions and possibilities, that transmission can be executed once a day or less. The moment the one cent coin is found will be only visible on the screen in the gallery.

Wojtek Ulrich - one cent

It has been impossible to execute this project since 2010 because of an official statement that there was no technology that would make it possible. However, since 2017, the technology has been available, but only for military purposes.

This approach seems obvious and is nothing extreme considering today’s available technology. What is more significant, is that despite our point of view and the way we see things (our understanding of things) seems to be unchanged.

This project is an attempt to have a closer look at our dysfunction independent of what media we interact with. Owing to technology and progress we have to track the process of adapting or not adapting. How does the reality we are creating work? And how does the one which has been created work? In what way it remains inaccessible to us? Rational prerogatives do not work due to our thinking patterns and the way our thinking is structured. We can’t go beyond our experience.

Wojtek Ulrich - One cent