Glass Skulls

Glass Skulls

Three „exploding” glass skulls. 2021 – Project nearing completion. Things that do not meet our expectations cannot be real. They do not accomplish set tasks. They do not complete the tasks we set up for them. „Exploding” skulls do not work mira-cles that we believe in; they are real and do their job, exploding without warning, no telling when. Three elongated crystal glass skulls. The glass in each skull is so expanded that it can break or explode at any mo-ment. The moment of the explosion cannot be predicted; it may happen in a week, in a year, in two or ten years or more. The explosion cannot be controlled; the only thing that can be said is that one of the three skulls may explode sooner, just as one can say that one of them may never explode. The skulls are locked in glass cas-es and are under constant camera surveil-lance to register the moment of change. n

The glass in each skull is so expanded that it can break or explode at any moment.

The moment of the explosion cannot be predicted; it may happen in a week, in a year, in two or ten years or more.